Thursday, October 21, 2010
Dia De Los Muertos Scratch Art

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Warm and Cool Instruments
Perspecitve City

Spooky Landscape Silhouettes

This was a really fun project for the 3rd and 4th graders. We learned about landscapes and silhouettes!! they really had fun drawing the spooky houses and some of them really got creative about what to put in their landscapes!!! the first step was to draw a spooky landscape with a black crayon or oil pastel. Then, they colored everything in black, except for the sky and anything that may have a light (like the windows, candles, moon, and inside the faces of the pumpkin or tree). Next, they colored the lights with yellow. And lastly, they chose two colors for the sky from watercolor paints.
Also, I had one of those AWESOME teacher moments while I was doing cafeteria duty. I was walking around the cafeteria when i saw one of my 3rd grade students raising his hands wildly, so excited!!! He was so excited to show me what his mom had packed in his lunch that day. When he showed me the Cheeto's bag I was confused... and he said, "Look, it has a landscape silhouette, just like our art project!!!" He gave it to me, when he was finished of course, so that I could show it to my other classes!! (picture of the bag below)
Spider Web Resist

Halloween Handprints
Friday, October 15, 2010
Andy Warhol Soup Cans
3rd and 4th graders Studied the artist ANDY WARHOL!! We looked at many examples of his famous Campbell's Soup Cans. Next students studied shape vs. form and learned how to draw a cylinder. Next, each student received a piece of white paper and was asked to fold it in half. On one side they drew a their favorite real soup can. On the other side they drew a silly soup can. Some students labeled their soup gross things like " brain and cheese" or "booger and spinach," and some students just put silly flavors like "twizzlers and lime." After students were finished, I hung them up in the hall in rows just like Andy Warhol.