Fine arts teachers chose selected 8th grade students to attend a field trip to go visit and tour Art High Schools in the Phoenix area. During this field trip students went to 2 different schools including Metro Arts Institute and Arizona School of the Arts. They were so privileged to see the campus of both schools, a private performance, a dance performance and were able to actually ask current high school students questions about their experiences in High School. After the tours, students came back to school to fill our a reflection about their trip. Here are some of the responses...
" This (tour) inspires me to continue in an art school because it gives me a chance to express what I like and try new things!"
"I will tell future Herrera artists to go to art schools because they can continue to follow what they love."
" This trip inspired me to continue my education because I saw people who enjoy going to school!"
" My favorite part of the tour was the play because it was really creative and the actors were really good and I want to be that good."
"I would say that Metro School is really cool and that you could do things you never thought you could!"
"This school is calling my name!!!!!"